HCM - Hillhouse Capital Management
HCM stands for Hillhouse Capital Management
Here you will find, what does HCM stand for in Investment under Finance category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hillhouse Capital Management? Hillhouse Capital Management can be abbreviated as HCM What does HCM stand for? HCM stands for Hillhouse Capital Management. What does Hillhouse Capital Management mean?The based business firm is located in and handles investment management.
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Alternative definitions of HCM
- Highway Capacity Manual
- Hanover Capital Mortgage Holdings, Inc.
- Hardware Configuration Management
- Hardware Configuration Management
- Hardware Configuration Management
- Hardware Configuration Management
- Hypertrophic Cardio Myopathy
- High Capacity Magazine
View 80 other definitions of HCM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HSC The Harley Street Clinic
- HMMR Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Rus
- HBMSU Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University
- HHGW Hebrew Home of Greater Washington
- HCC Highland Community College
- HCN Health Choice Network
- HIUSA Hostelling International USA
- HITGL HI Tech Gears Ltd
- HEU Harbin Engineering University
- HPS Hydra Pharm Spa
- HS The Heritage School
- HEFCE Higher Education Funding Council for England
- HCPL Harris County Public Library
- HAU Holy Angel University
- HCBBS Home Care By Black Stone
- HHUSA Hire Heroes USA
- HLH Healthy Living at Home
- HCC Hobart City Council
- HVA Harlem Village Academies
- HCR Hope Community Resources